Help for general page functions
If you are having problems on our site there can be many reason for this. Here are some ideas of what might be going on:
- Your internet or wireless connection may be having some issues. To determine this, check your screen for the wireless or internet symbol to see if there is an exclamation mark or other error indication. That symbol is usually located on the outer edge of your screen
- Our server may be experiencing some issues. We might be updating some pages or doing maintenance. In that case please wait a few minutes and refresh your page by clicking the refresh symbol on your browser.
- Your computer may be doing a behind-the-scenes update. Sometimes these updates will slow the web activity down. If you know where to check for this on your particular system, you can determine the status of the update. If you have determined the update has finished you may wish to shut down your computer and then restart it to complete any pending update installations. This will also clear out any errors that may have locked the system up.
- If you are having problems with a particular field or input screen on our site and are able to log in, the best thing to do is to fill out our
general contact form
to notify us of the problem. We appreciate hearing about any site problems that you may encounter, because it is our goal to make your experience here in the Network a great one!
Getting help:
Ideally you should first contact your church Time and Talent Representative, who is knowledgeable in the use of the website as well as the features that the church is using. They can help you with things like registration, linking to the church, activity signup, and voting.
To view all contact options go to our
contact page.
Call or text
for help during regular business hours:
9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. central time. That's what we are here for!